Feb 9Liked by Joel D. Aguilar Ramírez

Hola Joel, me recuerdas? Es un tema que me ha inquietado desde hace algún tiempo. Especialmente por la crítica de un Dios genocida y guerrero. He leído dos que tres libros, pero sigo en la lucha. Espero aprender de tus descubrimientos y reflexiones, hermano. Un gusto saludarte. Carlos Calderón (El Salvador)

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Hola Carlos, por supuesto que te recuerdo. Me alegro que estás leyéndome. Espero que este espacio sea de aprendizaje para ambos.

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Excelente! Gracias!

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Feb 10Liked by Joel D. Aguilar Ramírez

The point about the image of God having implications for our behavior is new to me, but so important... If God is "wrathful," and -- as so much Reformed theology teaches us -- His love is kind of tucked up "inside" His wrath, or somehow downstream from or contingent upon His wrath... What the hell does that mean about how I'm supposed to love people?

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Beautiful question. If we are created in the image of God, in what god’s image were we created? I am just beginning to ponder these ideas on how our image of God affects our behavior.

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